- Author
- 坂下祐輔, 藤吉弘亘, 平田豊, 高丸尚教, 深谷直樹
- Publication
- 日本実験力学会特集号:画像処理による生体評価 「解説記事」, pp. 236–243, 2006
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Accurate measurement of eye movements with little load on subjects is highly demanded in neuroscience as oculomotor control is a popular model system to investigate biological motor control mechanisms. Video oculogramusing real time image processing is suitable for this purpose. This article surveys recent progress in the measurement of 3 dimensional eye movements (yaw, pitch, roll rotations), particularly those using real time image processing techniques. We summarize the technique for the pupil extraction that determines the gaze direction by providing eye position in yaw and pitch planes. The technique to measure ocular rolling (cycloduction) is also summarized.