

Convolutional Neural Networkによる把持位置に基づいたマルチクラス物体認識

長谷川昂宏, 山内悠嗣, 山下隆義, 藤吉弘亘, 秋月秀一, 橋本学, 堂前幸康, 川西亮輔
日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 349–359, 2018

Automatization for the picking and placing of a variety of objects stored on shelves is a challenging problem for robotic picking systems in distribution warehouses. Here, object recognition using image processing is especially effective at picking and placing a variety of objects. In this study, we propose an efficient method of object recognition based on object grasping position for picking robots. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can achieve highly accurate object recognition. In typical CNN methods for object recognition, objects are recognized by using an image containing picking targets from which object regions suitable for grasping can be detected. However, these methods increase the computational cost because a large number of weight filters are convoluted with the whole image. The proposed method detects all graspable positions from an image as a first step. In the next step, it classifies an optimal grasping position by feeding an image of the local region at the grasping point to the CNN. By recognizing the grasping positions of the objects first, the computational cost is reduced because of the fewer convolutions of the CNN. Experimental results confirmed that the method can achieve highly accurate object recognition while decreasing the computational cost.

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