

Solving the Deadlock Problem with Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Information from Multiple Vehicles

Tsuyoshi Goto, Hidenori Itaya, Tsubasa Hirakawa, Takayoshi Yamashita, Hironobu Fujiyoshi
IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium

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Autonomous driving system controls a vehicle using path planning. Path planning for automated vehicles observes a vehicle and the surrounding information and plans a trajectory on the basis of rule-based approach. However, the rule-based path planning cannot generate an appropriate trajectory for complex scenes, such as two vehicles passes each other at an intersection without traffic lights. Such complex scene is called deadlock. For avoiding the deadlock, it is very costly to create rules manually. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning method to generate appropriate trajectories at the deadlock scenes. The proposed method consists of a single feature extractor and actor-critic branches. Moreover, we introduce a mask-attention mechanism for visual explanation. By taking a look at the obtained attention maps, we can confirm the obtained agent and the reason of the behavior. For evaluating our method, we develop a simulator environment of autonomous driving that produces a certain deadlock scene. The experimental results with the developed environment show that the proposed method can generate trajectories avoiding deadlocks.
