


祖父江亮, 山下隆義, 平川翼, 藤吉弘亘, 中澤 満, Chae Yeongnam, Stenger Björn
精密工学会誌, 86 巻, 12 号, p. 1026-1033, 2020

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We present a system for creating short summarized videos from longer cooking videos. These videos can be easily shared on social media to convey the required steps of a particular recipe. Typically creating such videos is time-consuming and requires video editing skills. Therefore, we propose a semi-automatic system using the information of an online recipe website, which contains both images and text descriptions. We first search for key frames in the video based on similarity images of each step in the recipe. For more accurate key frame matching, we use labels between objects in the video and the text description, as well as regions of interest defined by motion. Both user studies and qualitative experiments confirmed the usability and effectiveness of our proposed system.

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