


山下隆義, 池村翔, 藤吉弘亘, 岩堀祐之
電気学会論文誌, vol. 131, no. 4, pp. 475–481, 2011

In this paper, we propose a part-based human detection method in which the faces and upper parts of human bodies are first detected separately and then merged. In a crowded scene, it is very difficult to merge the detected daces and upper body parts accurately. We solve the problem by using the depth information obtained from the images. We use a TOF(Time of Flight) camera to capture amplitude and depth images. The detector detects the faces and upper body parts from the amplitude images and merges the parts by using a modified Mean Shift clustering algorithm with depth information. Experimental results show that the proposed method shows good performance in the case of crowded scences. The proposed method is also better than the human detection method in which depth images are used.

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