


伊原有仁, 藤吉弘亘, 高木雅成, 公文宏明, 玉津幸政
電気学会論文誌, vol. 129–C, no. 5, pp. 893–900, 2009

A technique for recognizing traffic signs from an image taken with an in-vehicle camera has already been proposed as driver’s drive assist. SIFT feature is used for traffic sign recognition, because it is robust to changes in scaling and rotating of the traffic sign. However, it is difficult to process in real-time because the computation cost of the SIFT feature extraction and matching is expensive. This paper presents a method of traffic sign recognition based on keypoint classifier by AdaBoost using PCA-SIFT features in different feature subspaces. Each subspace is constructed from gradients of traffic sign images and general images respectively. A detected keypoint is projected to both subspaces, and then the AdaBoost employs to classy into whether the keypoint is on the traffic sign or not. Experimental results show that the computation cost for keypoint matching can be reduced to about 1/2 compared with the conventional method.

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