


松本憲幸, 佐藤省三, 藤吉弘亘, 梅崎太造
電気学会論文誌, vol. 122–C pp. 799–807, 2002

This paper presents a fingerprint verification method based on the linear predictive coding (LPC) analysis. This method is useful for realizing on small-size hardware because the computation to extract spectrum patterns from fingerprint images consists of one-dimensional signal processings. In evaluation, the recognition rates of the methods using the LPC spectrum, LPC cepstrum, and the group delay spectrum (GDS) are compared. The results showed that the highest recognition rate is obtained for the GDS. The true acceptance rate was 97.4% under true rejection rate of 100.0%. The true acceptance rate improved to 98.5% by the DP matching with free start and end points. Furthermore, we showed that 2-bits quantization of the GDS brings no decrease of the recognition rate.

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