Dept. of Robotics Science and Technology,
Chubu University


Moving Object Detection with Background Model based on Spatio-Temporal Texture

Ryo Yumiba, Masanori Miyoshi, Hironobu Fujiyoshi
IEEE Winter Vision Meetings, pp. 352–359, 2011

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Background subtraction is a common method for detecting moving objects, but it is yet a difficult problem to distinguish moving objects from backgrounds when these backgrounds change significantly. Hence, we propose a method for detecting moving objects with a background model that covers dynamic changes in backgrounds utilizing a spatio-temporal texture named “Space-Time Patch”, which describes motion and appearance, whereas conventional textures describe appearance only. Our experimental results show the proposed method outperforms one conventional method in three scenes: in an outdoor scene where leaves and branches of a tree are waving in intermittent wind, in an indoor scene where ceiling lights are turned on and off frequently, and in an escalator scene beside a window facing outdoors where some passengers are leaning over the hand-rail.

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