Dept. of Robotics Science and Technology,
Chubu University


Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supporting Mobility of Pedestrian

Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Takeshi Komura, Yairi Eguchi, Kentaro Kayama
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, pp. 37–45, 2006

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We have been developing the Robotic Communication Terminals (RCT) as a mobility support system for elderly and disabled people, which assists their impaired elements of mobility – recognition, actuation, and information access. The RCT consists of three types of terminals: ”Environment Embedded Terminal (EET)”, ”user-carried mobile terminal”, and ”user-carrying mobile terminal”. The EET system robustly detects moving objects at an outdoor surveillance site all day, and presents walkers with information about their surroundings. In this paper, as a part of the EET, we propose a method for detecting moving objects based on temporal differencing using adaptive thresholding calculated from intensity changes in the past few frames. For 23 cases of video evaluation, a high detection rate was measured under the variations caused by meteorological effects. We also have developed a test bed system that provides real-time road information detected by the EET to the map-based terminal. In the case of three clients, we demonstrate that users can receive the information from the EET with a 0.152[sec] time delay.

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